Our knowledge your opportunity


min Sekce: Daily overview

Opinion of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic on the impact on the system when setting prices and reimbursements.

The Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic has published an opinion on the procedure for assessing the financial impact on the health insurance system when determining or changing the amount and...
MZ ČR 02/24/2025
min Sekce: Daily overview

EMA Launches New Platform to Monitor Medicine Shortages

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has announced the launch of a new platform designed to routinely monitor shortages of centrally authorized medicines.
Pharmeca a.s. 01/31/2025
min Sekce: Daily overview

Czech legislation

Current overview of selected Czech legal regulations regarding medicines and medical devices.
Pharmeca 01/02/2025
min Sekce: Focused on

EMA Launches New Platform to Monitor Medicine Shortages

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has announced the launch of a new platform designed to routinely monitor shortages of centrally authorized medicines.
Pharmeca a.s. 12/16/2024

Data visualization

min Sekce: Data visualization

Decisions of the State Institute for Drug Control and the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic in the Area of Pricing and Reimbursement

From January 1, 2025, Pharmeca a.s. offers an overview of SÚKL and Ministry of Health decisions on pricing and reimbursement.
Pharmeca a.s. 01/08/2025
min Sekce: Data visualization

Exchange Rates for Price Referencing at a Click

The key information for conducting price referencing in administrative procedures for drug pricing and reimbursement is the average exchange rate from the previous quarter. Now, you can easily...
Pharmeca a.s. 05/15/2023

Who are we

We know
the right way

Are you trying to get the price and reimbursement of your medicine or medical device, but still encounter more and more obstacles?

Are you looking for the right analysis to enforce your medicine or medical device, but keep getting lost in the data?

Are you constantly going through laws and regulations and do not know how to support your allegation?

Pharmeca, they are doctors, pharmacists, economists, lawyers, statisticians, analysts and specialists in public law.

Our work, that is the preparation of complete documents for administrative proceedings in the field of prices and reimbursement of medicines, or reimbursement of medical devices, or analysis and statistical reports for setting business strategies.

Our results are defined reimbursement in administrative proceedings, successful repeals and statements, in practise applied results of professional analyses or trained clients at in-house seminars.

It is we, who will help you achieve your goal.

Pharmeca is:

Our services


You will use our comprehensive services in the field of regulations of the pharmaceutical market, market monitoring, pharmacoeconomics, biostatistics, analytics or in obtaining evidence supporting all the submitted allogations. 

Want to know more about our work in the field of medicine, but don't have much time?

Medical devices

You will know the quality of our services by precisely prepared documents for negotiations on the future of your medical device.

Want to know more about our work in the field of medical devices, but don't have much time?

Health care

You will use our perfect orientation within the extensive health care system while preparing analyses in the connection with your product.

Want to know more about our work in the field of health care, but don't have much time?

Health economics & data

Our long time experience in the field of analyses and their interpretation helps to identify and subsequently differentiate your product in the extensive competitive market. 

Want to know more about our work in the field of health economics & data, but don't have much time?

Tailor-made consulting

Our individual approach will provide you with a team of experts whose knowledge extends into several fields. We are able to help you thanks to outstanding cooperation.

Want to know more about our work in the field of consultancy, but don't have much time?

We will help your medicine achieve a significant position on the market, thanks to a professionally developed timeless business strategy, which is based on perfect knowledge of the true value of your medicine and regulatory rules. It’s only possible in this way to keep enhancing the value of the medicine throughout its life cycle.

Details of the offered services:

  • pharmacoeconomic and biostatistical analyses (CUA, CEA, CMA, BIA, RWE/RWD …),
  • based on monitoring the market access strategy, but also on prognostic analysis of market development,
  • complete dossier and price and reimbursement request, that means including analysis of external and internal price reference or analysis of adjustment to current price and reimbursement regulation. We provide evidence, for which we always verify their validity (eg medical documentation serving as a basis for the safety and efficacy of the medicine),
  • process documentation and response to evaluation reports,

Based on the nature of the medicine, in the case of an original and innovative medicinal product we also provide an evaluation of the criterion of innovation, own model calculations (Excel, TreeAge) and an analysis of the evaluation and assessment of comparators.

In the case of generic and biosimilar medicinal products, eventually foods for special medical purposes, selection of a sample product and evaluation of criteria for the entry of a similar medicine.

In the case of individually prepared medicinal products, preparation of an initiative for the inclusion of a new item in the list and preparation of documents for changes in items, including documents for determining the amount and conditions of reimbursement according to the documents required by State Institute for Drug Control (SUKL).

Our work in brief.

Are you interested in our services within the medicine field? Contact us.


Our goal for medical devices is to identify and highlight the strengths of your device, thanks to well-processed materials that respond to the requirements of payers and current trends in patient care.

Details of the offered services:

  • preparation and processing of documents for obtaining reimbursement,
  • preparation of documents according to the conditions of payers.

Our work in brief.

Are you interested in our services within the field of medical devices? Contact us


The documents we supply may change the approach of payers or professional treatment procedures, also towards your product. Teamwork with an overlap into all branches of health care allows us to process information from the analyses of individual health registries, from health services through DRG to treatment strategy.

Details of the offered services:

  • analysis, application and interpretation of health services in pharmacoeconomic analysis,
  • analysis, application and interpretation of the DRG system,
  • processing of the application and related documentation for inclusion in the List for the meeting of the commission assessing the inclusion of medical services.

Our work in brief.

Are you interested in our services in the field of health care? Contact us.


We thoroughly prepare our clients for the communication about complex clinical and economic data with the regulators and payers. Long-term monitoring of decision-making practice and experience in this area helps us to evaluate the changing requirements of payers and keep your products competitive. 

Details of the offered services: 

  • pharmacoeconomics analyses:
    • cost-utility/cost-effectiveness analysis,
    • cost minimization analysis,
    • cost – benefit analysis,
    • budget-impact analysis,
  • biostatistics & data analytics:
    • Real-world evidence/data (RWE/RWD),
    • adaptation of health economic models for the needs of CR/SR,
    • elaboration of statistical plans for clinical trials,
    • analysis of data documents,
    • interpretation of the values of available databases,
    • analysis of the processing of health and economic indicators,
    • statistical data processing.

Our work in brief.

Are you interested in our services in the analysis field? Contact us.


Our position on the market and our experience allow us to support you with entering the market, setting effective communication strategies or long-term care for your established products. It doesn't matter at all whether your company is a newcomer to the market, an established brand or a experienced player.

Details of the offered services:

  • professional analyses:
    • in the field of public health insurance,
    • strategic plans and market access strategies,
  • complete services in the field of pricing & reimbursement, 
  • preparation of presentations, graphic outputs, presentation of analysis results and report conclusions,
  • consultancy and preparation of documents and contracts for negotiating with health insurance companies,
  • consultancy in the field of legislation and regulatory mechanisms,
  • internal training and management service,
  • in-house seminars or the services of an external team member.

Our work in brief.

Are you interested in our services that are tailor-made just for you? Contact us. 



Pharmeca a.s.

+420 271 750 122
Hradešínská 47
101 00, Prague 10
Czech republic

Bank connection: 251678748/0300, maintained at ČSOB, a.s.

Identification number: 243 06 193
Registration at Companies House: file No. B 18221 at the Municipal Court in Prague at 25.05.2012.